"From Dawn-to-Dusk,
Now You're Living It!"​
Each & Every Day...
One Productive...
Healthy & Fulfilling Day At A Time
This is a noteworthy protocol for how each of us, in our own preferred ways... can routinely forge ahead withThe Realization Of A New Permaculturally-Inspired, Living Green Integrity by better balancing out our working days and personal lives... Ultimately Adding To & Improving Our Quality-Of-Life Goals.
Its also about Maintaining A Better Resonance with 'Our Precious World's Offerings'.
'And KNOWING that our daily professional and personal activities are contributing to the evolution of living systems all around us, is today, especially... all-the-more
Enjoy & Better-Identify* Plants From The BLOG Articles Right Here!
Also, Please Be Certain To Thoroughly Cross-Reference All BLOG Entries, Content & Images To Any Species' Depicted Here...
'Doing so with a variety of fully-credible, plant-identifying authorities BEFORE you handle... make use of,
serve-up to or expose others to... or personally ingest any of the plants that you are exploring to utilize.
*It Is All Very Necessary and It Constitutes Good Precautionary Health & Safety Practices.
'Just About Ready For The Oven!
Lightly grease a casserole baking dish with olive oil, and line up your newly-wrapped rolls to fit as many in on one layer as you can. Cover the top with tin-foil to help keep moisture in, and bake at 350 F for about 40 minutes.
'And BOOM!...They're Done!
Would You Like A Recipe?
Vegetarian, Vegan or With-A-Liittle-Meat Perhaps?
*I'll Send It To You...
I knew the timing, because at about the 1/2-hour mark, the aroma began filling the kitchen!" Finally, Remove to cool for ten minutes and serve warm... or if you prefer, dole them out to your eager guests at room temperature.
" Bon Appetite! "
CLICK AlmostLive*Video Sample Below...
To Learn Whether You've Won On May 24th!
'And Be Sure To Tune-in Here Too OK!
AlmostLive* Begins NetCasting Novemeber 1st!
'Compact Audio Interviews with Special Guests, PLUS...
Entertaining, Fun & Informative MPEG Video UpCasts from BaseCamp.
'And Just In-time For Wintertime Outings
& Adventures For The Courageous!
Our Pre-Premier, Oct. 15th Postcard Ballot (Video Stream)
"At the moment, we're lining-up all of our show duckies..."
Our Nov 1st, Introductory Guest Radio Show (Audio Stream)
...to meet you here soon with our first-round of NetCasts!